(mandatory for new members, optional for current members)
Each month, new or existing members, Orientation night combines a sit-down discussion about Range Safety, Range Rules, a brief description of the events held, plus weather permitting, a tour of the grounds. It gives an opportunity for new or existing members to ask questions, or even add input on what the “fresh eyes” see.
Familiarization of the FSC Administration and some histories of the club are also spotlighted, along with the different types of medias the club uses for communications. Other topics discussed are the several fundraisers, benefit dinners, benefit shoots, and instruction that FSC conducts, along with how new or existing members can get involved with any of the things going on at FSC, or even how to put their own on. There is a high emphasis on safety while on the club grounds.
Orientation is a great way to see the many things that FSC has to offer its members. Member Orientation (MANDATORY FOR NEW MEMBERS … recommended for existing members) get familiar with the club grounds, events held, and the history of FSC. For new members, scan card isn’t issued until orientation is completed.
There is a preregistration sign-up sheet in the clubhouse, it is appreciated using it or by contacting the POC listed on the schedule by other means so as a headcount can be taken, and plans can be made appropriately.
Preregister sign-up sheet in the club house, or call George Fornwalt at 570.237.5960 so George can plan appropriately.
Please refer to the FSC schedule of upcoming events for information on dates, times, and contact information.